Rabaçal Museum - Area : Penela City Hall

Picture: View of the central panel in the triclinium
Picture: mosaic station of the year "Spring"
Picture: mosaic station of the year "Winter"


The mosaics of the Seasons are found in the pars urbana of this octagonal peristyle cantered villa, from which radiate the triclinium, the cubicula and other spaces, making a total of 25 rooms.

One of the two sets of Seasons of the Year can be found in the western corridor of the peristyle, in front of the entrance to the triclinium and the other is in the centre of the triclinium.
(PESSOA, 1998, p 32-35, 39-40; MACIEL, 1996, p. 156-157; ALARCÃO, 1988, II, 2, p. 101, n.º 3/177; OLEIRO, 1986, p. 126)
(PESSOA, 2005, p. 6)